Astro 1.0 release
OSS活動として、Astroの公式ドキュメントを日本語に翻訳しています。 Astroが流行ると、無駄にJavaScriptを実行してる重たいサイトが減るはず。日本のサイトはWebフォントなどの事情もあり仕方ないですが、重たい傾向にあると感じているので、少しでも軽いサイトが増えることを願ってます。
Astro 1.0のリリース記事

Astro 1.0 | Astro
Astro 1.0 is out now! Astro is a web framework for building fast, content-focused websites. Performance powered by Astro next-gen island architecture. Learn more about Astro 1.0 release, our new website, and what people are saying about Astro.
Astro Contributor Awards
2022年9月のAstro Contributor Awards に選ばれました。Open Collectiveで$250を請求するという流れでした。

Astro Contributor Awards: September 2022 Edition | Astro
Every few months, we distribute 100% of our sponsorship funds for an entire month to the standout members of our community. These awards go to recognize the people who go above and beyond to improve Astro in some way, contributing inside and outside of our community.
ありがたいことにAstro Community Awards 2022にも選んでいただきました。

Astro Community Awards 2022 | Astro
The Astro Community Awards for 2022 have been announced! These awards recognize the Astro community members who went above and beyond the past year. Read more to find out who was recognized!
Open Collective: Individual Backer

Astro - Open Collective
Build faster websites with less client-side Javascript.